Why I like chrome.

ah, English post again …. so long after last topic. Anyway, I want to tell why I like chrome. It’s not because javascript speed, not because Google or not because feature but it because user interface. After I download and install I found many user interface in different browser I like has mix in to one. Refresh and stop button, Tab on top of window and easy to drag out, no status bar (hey why I want status bar), address box and search box has mix in to one too. That’s all why I like chrome.

However, no perfect thing on earth and chrome still in beta state (why everything from google came out with beta state hmm hmmm… I want something final hahh). It has many flaws in it like memory usage, Thai word segmentation and many that report and blog on internet but for me its acceptable and I’m waiting for final version and looking for improvment from Firefox and other browser too. I think Chrome won’t go to the main browser on internet because we have so many browser now, but many browser will improve more and fast like another service that google throw it before (like gmail or google docs).

Ah, today have many topics in my head politic, browser, languages, …. so many hmm I should find some place to rest … hmm

About llun

Just a programmer