I had buy TextMate last week and founded many bundles support TextMate. The first bundle I installed is twitter bundle. It’s very simple to use, just select text you want in editor and click control + option + t(yes, you can change it in bundle editor) and it will send selected text to twitter. I founded this bundle by @sourcode suggestion in IRC. He tolds it can tweet and I found it at Muffin Research Labs. After download, double click to install it in TextMate and open bundle editor for change username and password and tweet.
Although, it has one problem after tweet. It doesn’t show source from TextMate, it shows from web. I googling and founded, it must send client name to twitter first and wait for a week before they accepted and I need to change code in bundle. See instruction below.
- Right click on TextMate bundle and select “Show Package Contents”
- Open Support/bin/twitter.sh file
- Change $twitter variable from
- Save file and reinstall bundle again
After install bundle and tweet again, you will see TextMate as source and when click, it will redirect to muffin site.